Super Mirror House

Link to Japanese version
  • 4
  • 4
  • 4
  • 0
  • 5
  • 3


Each square in the grids contains a doll("○"-single or "◎"-double) in the hall of mirrors("\","/","|","─") or other special objects("□","■","R","L").

The numbers at the sides of the square indicate how many dolls can be seen from that location when looking either horizontally or vertically.

The special objects effect dolls as below.

  1. "□" - square mirror, reflecting to all 4 directions
  2. "■" - black hole, no reflection
  3. "R" - right mirror, always reflect to the right direction (actually light reflect to the "left" direction, but from the side numbers, they can see dolls to the "right" direction. So we call this type of mirror "R".)
  4. "L" - left mirror, always reflect to the left direction

A doll can be counted multiple times if it can be seen from different directions.

(This puzzle rule is originally designed by Erich Friedman, extended by Mitsuyoshi Konuma)


  1. Just left click the mark on each cell you want to choose.
  2. You can restore the cell on right click.
  3. The numbers of dolls are automatically counted and show.
  4. You will win if all the numbers match.