Path puzzle

Link to Japanese version
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1


Determine the meeting point from each number and draw paths according to the following rule.

  1. The number in each square tells how many turns it takes to get to the meeting point.
  2. The meeting point must be in an empty square.
  3. Each path can only go horizontally and vertically through the grid squares.
  4. The different paths to the meeting point cannot intersect.

(This puzzle rule is designed by Erich Friedman.)


  1. Click the target cell after clicking the color cell you select, then draw the route of the color. Right click erase 1 step.
  2. While pushing the "Point" button, you can set the "Meeting Point" when you click the white cell.
  3. When each route has reached the "Meeting Point", the nunber of the color turns blue if the count of turns is correct, turns red if incorrect.
  4. Success if all the numbers turn blue;
  5. "Restart" -> Restart from the scratch, "Save" -> Save the current status, "Restore" -> Restore the saved data.