Latin Square

Link to Japanese version
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(left click -> black, shift + left click or drag -> white, right click -> erase)


    Shade in some of the squares according to the following rule.

    1. No shaded squares are adjacent (including diagonally).
    2. There is exactly one shaded square in each row and in each column.
    3. No square containing a number can be shaded.
    4. Each number should be equal to the number of adjacent (including diagonally) shaded squares.

    (This puzzle rule is designed by Erich Friedman.)


    1. Left click -> toggle black square, Shift + Left click or drag -> toggle white square(s), Right click -> erase colors
    2. If "T" is pushed, you can toggle "temp" status. (yellow border)
    3. "Back" -> 1 step back, "Restart" -> Restart from the scratch, "Save" -> Save the current status, "Restore" -> Restore the saved data.
    4. You will win when you have colored all the squares according to the rule.